I just upgraded to Ubuntu 10.04 from 9.10 and I have a problem with
a visual affect.
First I set my background color to white with no color gradient.
The bottom right is in fact white but as you go up and to the left it
becomes more gray. For the background the affect is not very strong.
The problem comes when I bring up an Ubuntu window.
If the window is put in the bottom quarter of the screen
and the rightmost quarter of the screen (1/16th of the screen)
then the window is bright and any text is quite readable.
However, as you move the window up and to the left the window
colors become darker and the text more difficult to read.
If I bring up a terminal window and run vi and the background is black
then the text of any color except white is impossible (almost invisible)
to read in the top left corner and even white is unnecessarily difficult
to read. I explored System/Preferences/Appearance and could find no
setting that had any affect (except a theme with a light colored
background helped).

Note that the problem is not my screen because if I run an application
that creates its own windows (Squeak/Smalltalk) the problems do not
occur in the application windows except the outermost window containing
the entire application. If I run Firefox the problem occurs in all
windows but the problem is not as bad except for the outermost window
because thicker fonts are used.

Also, the problem may have existed 9.10 but not noticed because the
affect is much worse with the theme I am using in 10.04 because it is darker
than the them I used in 9.04.  But changing the them doesn't eliminate
the problem just reduces, or exacerbates it.


What confuses me the most is why would anybody want this visual affect
and go through the trouble of creating it!?

Help much appreciated!!!!!!!


Ralph Boland

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