I haven't had much success with the dual head graphics cards that David C.
handed out.  The problems are likely problems with my system and not
the cards themselves but opinions on my problems appreciated.

My computer is a custom built (Memory Express, XMas time 2009) desktop
($400) using an AMD Athlon II with 2GB memory.
I only have one screen so far so I didn't test the cards in dual screen mode.

First, I added the first card together with a wireless card I had.
(I am not using the wireless card.  I used it once upon a time with my old
machine but since my old machine died it was not in any machine.
I took the occasion to put it in my new machine as a safe place to store it.)

The first card worked but didn't support my screen size (1024X1280).
I then switched to the second card, the Predator LTZ.  With this card my
mouse would freeze after about 5 minutes.  So I removed it.
Then my computer worked for perhaps 15 minutes but would then freeze
and the screen would go black as well.  (CTRL-ALT F5 (etc)) was
completely ignored for both ways of my computer freezing.

So I removed the wireless card as well and my computer worked fine for a
week.  I then decided to try the Predator without the wireless card but my
computer would then not boot.
It froze after reporting the name of the graphics card.
So I switched slots for the card and  tried again but with the same result.
I have only two slots for the cards.
So I removed the Predator card again and my computer works fine again.

I don't  see any pattern here that tells me what is broken.
Is the problem hardware or software?
Should I buy and install a new dual head graphics card?

I can bring the graphics cards and wireless cards to the next meeting if
anyone wants to try them out.

Comments welcome.

Ralph (Rocky) Boland

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