I have a wrt54g wireless G router which I purchased around 2007.
I haven't used it for about a year but have now plugged it in because
I have a new roommate who wants to access my Internet account wirelessly.
My computer (not plugged in wirelessly but run through the router)
accesses the Internet fine.
However when I went to change the wireless passwd I was not able to.

After logging into the router I clicked on Wireless followed by

But the screen only shows

Security mode:    [WPA2 Personal ^]   (The "^" implies click to bring
up menu to change)

Oddly I am not able to change the WPA2 Personal setting
but I don't need to change this setting so that is OK.

The problem is I should also see on the screen:

WPA Algorithms:   [TKIP ^]

WPA Shared Key:  [                          ]

Group Key Renewal   [3600         ]   seconds

But I don't see this and thus cannot change the WPA Shared Key.

Can someone tell me what is happening?
My guess is that because it hasn't had power for a year some memory
has been lost.

The only solution I see right now is to hit the reset button on the Router
and set all the settings again.  Hopefully something less drastic can be done.


Ralph Boland

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