About 2 weeks ago I FINALLY got my computer to run using two 17 in monitors.
I had to switch to Debian, try many graphics cards and a lot of experimentation
but in the end it was easy with the right graphics card.  Turns out
Internet use and a number
of applications are noticeably faster with the external graphics card.
More importantly two monitors gives me 1024 x 2560 pixels and its great.
Well, until today.

Today one monitor screen went black, I assume because the  ccfl bulb went.
I phoned the sharp service center for Calgary and they said it cost
$50 to tell me what
is wrong plus the cost of fixing it plus they have no bulbs.  I
searched the Internet and
I can get a repair kit for $30-$40  U.S.  It comes with 4 bulbs.  My
first bulb lasted 8.5 yrs
so I guess I would be good for another 34 yrs.

I tried to take the monitor apart to look at the bulb but no such
luck.  It must be glued
or something because I took out all the screws.  I don't see that I'm
going to get it to
work so its free to anyone who believes they can get it running (it
cost $600 new
and was working fine until yesterday).

Meanwhile I will check Kijiji and elsewhere to see if I can dig up a
17 in monitor
on the cheap.  If anyone has one not in use but in good working order
let me know
how much you want for it.

For the record I am using Debian Squeeze 6.06 with a Radeon HD 5450 graphics
card with 1 Gig of memory which cost $40 at Memory Express.  It has one VGA,
one DVA, and one HDMI port and is supposed to support 3 monitors.
I expect the card would also work with Ubuntu or other Debian based
versions of Linux.
Likely non Debian versions work as well.

Ralph Boland

It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows.
-- Epictetus

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