I need to mount an external drive or flash drive.  To do this I need
to add a command to
the /etc/fstab file.  But I don't know how to to this.
Can anyone tell me how?
My external drive is a Seagate.
I don't know the brand, name, or serial # of my flash drive
I can be contacted at:
       rpbol...@gmail.com  (slow because I have to use a public
library computer)

In case you are wondering why I need to do this here is the story.
I recently moved from Ubuntu to Debian Squeeze.  I am happy with
the move except that my Lyx files from my Ubuntu days were created
with Lyx 2.0.3 but Squeeze runs Lyx 1.6.7 so  I cannot use Lyx on these
files on Squeeze.  This is a major problem for me so I tried to get Lyx
2.0.3 installed on Squeeze eventuallly trying to get it from sid.
But unfortunately, a lot of other things got loaded from sid and broke my
system.  I am planning to reinstall an operating system to clean the mess
up but first I  need to back up about a day of programming work.

Currently on boot up I am given a plain login screen  (XWindows is not
running).  I can also run in recovery mode.  But if I plug in a flash drive
or external hard drive it is not mounted though the system recognizes
that the drive has been plugged in.  The system complains that fstab
does not contain a mount command for the drive.

Other options:
     1) start XWindows.  I tried startx but it doesn't run properly.
     2) ftp my files somewhere.  I need a where and I don't know
         if I have an internet connection.
     3) Buy and install a second hard drive.  Seems like overkill.
     4)  ?????

Thanks in advance for any help,

Ralph (Rocky) Boland

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