I am running Debian Jessie on my computer.
I recently moved the computer by automobile.
Afterwords on bootup I get the message:

ath5k:  phy0:  failed to wake up the MAC chip

and my wireless no longer works.
Changing the wireless card didn't help.

I assumed at first that this is a hardware problem resulting from
assumed (none visible)
damage from the computer move but by searching the Internet
I discovered that it can also occur through software issues.

I am currently connected to the router by cable through the Ethernet line.
But I need to move my computer to where only wireless connection is possible.
So I need to get wireless to work.

If this is a hardware problem it is probably not worth fixing as my
computer is 5 yrs old
($400 purchase price) but I do not want to buy a new computer.

Can anyone suggest how to determine if this is a hardware or software
problem and how
I might go about fixing it?


Ralph Boland

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