I've created a new STABLE2 branch from master in the new cluster.git.
The point of STABLE2 is:

  - build/run with the current stable release of openais, (now 0.80.3)
  - build/run with the current stable release of the kernel, (now 2.6.24)

I think we're in good shape already for the kernel, but some work is
needed for compatibility with openais 0.80.3.

Most of the commits that are made to the RHEL5 branch should also be made
to STABLE2.  New things developed on the master branch would probably not
be appropriate for STABLE2.

I plan to do tarball releases from the STABLE2 branch (cluster-2.y.0).  As
soon as we get it working with openais 0.80.3 and kernel 2.6.24, we'll
release cluster-2.02.00.

My ultimate hope is that these released tarballs will form the basis for
distribution packaging.


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