On 6/19/2012 6:23 AM, Dietmar Maurer wrote:
>>> Yes, that's a bug. cpglockd will be started from the rgmanager init
>>> script when RRP mode is enabled.
>>> Ryan
>> Actually no, it's not a bug.
>> cpglockd has it's own init script too.
> Yes, and that script 'unconditionally' (always) starts cpglockd

Nothing wrong with that. If you ask a daemon to start it will start :)

On top of that, cpglockd is harmless if there is no RRP mode active, or
forcefully disabled.

>> The Required-Start: tells sysvinint that if cpglockd is enabled, it has to be
>> started before rgmanager.
> That tells sysvinint to always start that script before rgmanager.
> So we end up with cpglockd always running, although it is not required at all.
> What do I miss?

It tells sysvinit to start cpglockd before rgmanager IF cpglockd is
enabled via chkconfig, otherwise it is not started. That value is used
only to calculate the symlink S* K** values for rc.d/


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