On 13/02/2023 10.58, Andrew Price wrote:
On 11/02/2023 17:16, Valentin Vidić wrote:
On Thu, Feb 09, 2023 at 01:12:58PM +0000, Andrew Price wrote:
gfs2-utils contains the tools needed to create, check, modify and inspect
gfs2 filesystems along with support scripts needed on every gfs2 cluster


Some tests seem to be failing for the new version in Debian:

gfs2_edit tests

  37: Save/restoremeta, defaults                      FAILED (edit.at:14)
  38: Save/restoremeta, no compression                FAILED (edit.at:24)
  39: Save/restoremeta, min. block size               FAILED (edit.at:34)
  40: Save/restoremeta, 4 journals                    FAILED (edit.at:44)
  41: Save/restoremeta, min. block size, 4 journals   FAILED (edit.at:54)
  42: Save metadata to /dev/null                      ok

It seems this is all on 32-bit architectures, more info here:


Can you check?

The smoking gun is

     Error: File system is too small to restore this metadata.
     File system is 524287 blocks. Restore block = 537439"

It's caused by size_t being used for a variable relating to file size and it's too small in 32-bit environments.

It should be fixed by this commit: https://pagure.io/fork/andyp/gfs2-utils/c/a3f3aadc789f214cd24606808f5d8a6608e10219

It's waiting for the CI queue to flush after last week's outage but it should be in main shortly.

I doubt we have any users on 32-bit architectures but perhaps we can get a 32-bit test runner added to the CI pool to prevent these issues slipping through anyway.

We had to drop i686 from CI for lack of BaseOS support of 32bit OpenStack / Cloud images.

Also, other HA tools like pacemaker, have dropped 32bit support a while back. Not sure it´s worth the troubles any more.

If Valentin has an easy way to setup a 64 bit Debian based that will build a 32bit env with easy envvar overrides, I am happy to add it to the pool for gfs2-utils, but I am not going to build pure i686 images for that.

The process would have to look like:

<deploy amd64 debian image and add to CI> (usual)
apt-get install <list of packages + 32 bit versions of them>
git clone gfs2-utils
export CFLAGS/LDFLAGS/CC or whatever env var
<normal build bits go here>
make <tests>

Using other build tools like debbuild or mock has been problematic in the past for other projects, might not be the case for gfs2-utils.

so you can try that all in a local VM and let me know the steps, then we can add it to CI.


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