
for future reference, just open a bug in bugzilla: it's easier to attach
patches and track the discussion for us. :-)

On Thu, 2008-01-31 at 20:28 +0100, benoar wrote:

> A timeline has a current_frame_num variable which tells the current
> frame number. To me, it should be included in the interval
> [0,n_frames-1], do you agree ?

for "historical reasons", we defined the interval of a timeline to be
[0, n_frames]. since both explicit animations and implicit animations
depend on this interval, I think it's a bit too late to change it and
expect everything to work. all the alpha functions, for instance, would
have to be changed to take into account the new interval.

>  Because a lot of tests in clutter-timeline.c let this variable go to
> n_frames. Most of the test are on "current_frame_num > n_frames",
> which is wrong if you don't want current_frame_num to be equal to
> n_frames.

!(current_frame_num > n_frames) will evaluate as FALSE if the user or
the timeline itself try to set the frame number to something that's
bigger than the number of frames - which is pretty consistent with the
interval as it has been defined (that is, [0, n_frames]).

> It is strange that this kind of error has not be spotted earlier, so
> maybe these particular tests were intentional. But the convention in C
> is for the "indexes" to be from 0 to max_count-1, isn't it ?

a timeline is not an array index, though. :-) every check you mentioned
is consistent to the given range.

> PS: I also spotted another bug, a double increment, line 782: it should be 
> removed:
>   priv->current_frame_num += n_frames;

yes, that's truly a typo. well spotted! I've just fixed it in SVN.


Emmanuele Bassi, OpenedHand Ltd.
Unit R, Homesdale Business Centre
216-218 Homesdale Rd., Bromley - BR12QZ

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