
On Mon, 2008-05-19 at 14:08 +0200, Florent wrote:
> Just for reference, looks like the gstreamer community is circling
> around reusable colorspace conversion plugins as well as optimized
> glsink (recalling the quite recent media-center-related threads on
> this very ml).
> How shall such improvements be integrated in clutter's gst video sink
> ? Using it in place of ffmpegcolorspace elements, or should we
> directly improve the cluttergst module ?
> Are there perspectives on using a "stock/legacy" glimagesink as
> cluttergst videosink (through context sharing?)?

It would indeed be nice to reuse it, we'd need to be able to specify an
already existing context, a texture for it to target aswell as assume it
does any GL calls in the main Clutter thread. Also we obviously would
not want it to render the texture then to an X drawable. I am not sure
if its that flexible/generic ?

The big lose of course (which would likely take a lot of modifications
to fix) is it would not work on GLES.

  == Matthew

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