On Wed, 2008-07-09 at 17:37 +0300, Michael Boccara wrote:
> I am new to the GLib and GObjects world, so my question may sound dumb.
> Is it possible to implement new subclasses of Clutter::Actor without 
> having to subclass the ClutterActor GObject ?
> In other words, can we create our own actors using cluttermm only ?

It should be. You might be the first person to try it though.

However, I recommend waiting for us to update cluttermm to 0.8 first
though. We didn't do that yet because it currently depends on other
clutter-* libraries that were no available in 0.7/0.8 versions (which I
consider to be a rather strange release schedule).

I guess we'll have something this week.


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