On Mon, 2009-03-09 at 22:50 -0400, Vlad Seryakov wrote:

> What is the analog of clutter_smoothstep_inc_func in the latest Git version?

there is no equivalent.

the equation for the increasing variant of the smoothstep function is:

  f(x) = -2x^3 + 3x^2

so you probably want a cubic easing - the EASE_IN_OUT_CUBIC is similar
in progress to the smoothstep across the [ 0, 1 ] interval.

*or*, you can write your own function, like this:

  static gdouble
  my_smoothstep_inc (ClutterAlpha *alpha,
                     gpointer      data)
    ClutterTimeline *timeline = clutter_alpha_get_timeline (alpha);
    gdouble progress = clutter_timeline_get_progress (timeline);

    /* always defined within [ 0, 1 ] */
    return -2.0 * (pow (progress, 3)) + 3.0 * (pow (progress, 2));

and then register it as a global alpha function, for instance inside an
initialization function of your project:

  extern gulong MY_SMOOTHSTEP_INC;

  MY_SMOOTHSTEP_INC = clutter_alpha_register_func (my_smoothstep_inc,

you can then reuse MY_SMOOTHSTEP_INC across your project when creating
new ClutterAlpha instances or when using the clutter_actor_animate()
implicit animation API.


Emmanuele Bassi, Intel Open Source Technology Center

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