Hash: SHA1

On 10/20/09 10:52, Damien Lespiau wrote:
> On Tue, 2009-10-20 at 16:50 +0100, Kevin DeKorte wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> I've been having some great luck with clutter-gst and clutter-gtk and in
>> fact created a new project with it
>> http://code.google.com/p/fosfor/
>> Looks something like this:
>> http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8vVUG9EUYMg/Srk-JPdRiNI/AAAAAAAAEuw/BUQcZH8-dQk/s1600-h/Screenshot-.-MediaWall.png
> Awesome! Still sliders instead of funky progress bars make me sad these
> days, I do like the way several flash players report progress :p

Funky clutter based progress bars and buttons are on the way, needed to
use some existing parts to get things going. I have a "fosfor_button"
developed which is a ClutterActor that highlights as you mouse over it
and you can put gtk stock icons into it. You have a progress bar you
particularly like? I was going to model the youtube one, but maybe there
is something better.

the zoom in/out functionality was super easy thanks to clutter (Keypad
plus/minus and enter). And really makes things nice.

Plan to the do the playlist as kind of a "Rolodex" view. Where you could
flip thru the items that way. Just need time to make it happen.

>> To do DVD menus I need to first hook the "element-added" function of the
>> video-sink, so I do this...
> "element-added" is a signal that GstBins fire.
>> element =
>> clutter_gst_video_texture_get_playbin(CLUTTER_GST_VIDEO_TEXTURE(media));
>>      g_object_get(G_OBJECT(element),"video-sink",&video_sink, NULL);
>>      if (video_sink != NULL) {
>>              if (GST_IS_BIN(video_sink))
> The variable called element is a GstBin (it's playbin, should evolve to
> playbin2 before 1.0), so you can listen for "element-added" on that
> GstElement.

Ok, I'll try that. I was just following the method that totem uses to
obtain the navigation element.

> ClutterGstVideoSink is not a GstBin, it's a subclass of GstBaseSink
> which is a subclass of GstElement. It's the element responsible for
> displaying a frame in the pipeline.
>> The reason I need to make this hook is that I need to use
>> gst_bin_get_by_interface (GST_BIN(video_sink), GST_TYPE_NAVIGATION);
> Ah, for that to work (navigation events sent upstream from the sink),
> CluttetGstVideoTexture would have to implement the
> <http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/data/doc/gstreamer/head/gst-plugins-base-libs/html/gst-plugins-base-libs-gstnavigation.html#GstNavigation-struct>
> GstNavigation
> <http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/data/doc/gstreamer/head/gst-plugins-base-libs/html/gst-plugins-base-libs-gstnavigation.html#GstNavigation-struct>
> interface to forward ClutterEvents from the internal texture to upstream
> elements (the one actually handling click on DVD menus).
> That's not overly complicated but needs some work in clutter-gst,
> patches are welcomed :p. I may end up doing it at some point, no ETA though.
> HTH,
> -- 
> Damien

Ok, so basically at the moment I can't accomplish what I need cause the
code has not been written yet. I don't exactly need the clicks to work
however, I can sent navigation events to the navigation. Was thinking
either a clutter based on screen remote if the mouse clicks were not


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