
for a ClutterMotionEvent (and also ButtonPress, ButtonRelease, Enter,
Leave and Scroll events) you can use the "x" and "y" attributes of the
clutter.Event to obtain the coordinates.

The PyClutter documentation is quite outdated, contributions are welcome
of course

:wq buz

On Sun, Nov 01, 2009 at 04:27:08PM -0600, Martin Luessi wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using pyclutter 1.0.0 and I'm trying to get the coordinates of
> motion events (to move an actor around using the mouse). According to
> the documentation the clutter.Event class has a member function
> "get_coords". However, it seems like the documentation is outdated as
> the Event class in pyclutter 1.0.0 does not provide this
> functionality.
> How can get the event coordinates in pyclutter 1.0.0?
> Thanks,
> Martin
Paranoid Club meeting this Friday.  Now ... just try to find out where!

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