I've used Clutter a fair bit in the past on OSX, but have been away for a while 
(last time I used it was a 1.0 build).  Just downloaded and installed it on my 
10.6.2 machine, and all of the interactive tests get this traceback.

Does this traceback mean anything to anybody?  Should I try an older stable 
release or is there a workaround?  I couldn't find it in bugzilla --- happy to 
report it if appropriate.

Thread 0 Crashed:  Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
0   ???                                 000000000000000000 0 + 0
1   libclutter-osx-1.0.0.dylib          0x0000000100099f16 
_cogl_journal_flush_vbo_offsets_and_entries + 246 (.cogl-journal.c:504)
2   libclutter-osx-1.0.0.dylib          0x00000001000997fb _cogl_journal_flush 
+ 235 (.cogl-journal.c:630)
3   libclutter-osx-1.0.0.dylib          0x00000001000b1285 -[ClutterGLView 
drawRect:] + 37 (clutter-stage-osx.c:135)
4   com.apple.AppKit                    0x00007fff85de4fae -[NSView 
_drawRect:clip:] + 3390
5   com.apple.AppKit                    0x00007fff85de3c21 -[NSView 
_recursiveDisplayAllDirtyWithLockFocus:visRect:] + 1325
6   com.apple.AppKit                    0x00007fff85de3f8b -[NSView 
_recursiveDisplayAllDirtyWithLockFocus:visRect:] + 2199
7   com.apple.AppKit                    0x00007fff85de22f3 -[NSView 
 + 767
8   com.apple.AppKit                    0x00007fff85de1e17 -[NSThemeFrame 
 + 254
9   com.apple.AppKit                    0x00007fff85dde6bf -[NSView 
_displayRectIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:] + 2683
10  com.apple.AppKit                    0x00007fff85d57f37 -[NSView 
displayIfNeeded] + 969
11  com.apple.AppKit                    0x00007fff85d1ff87 -[NSWindow 
_reallyDoOrderWindow:relativeTo:findKey:forCounter:force:isModal:] + 1050
12  com.apple.AppKit                    0x00007fff85d1fb1c -[NSWindow 
orderWindow:relativeTo:] + 94
13  com.apple.AppKit                    0x00007fff85d1d49e -[NSWindow 
makeKeyAndOrderFront:] + 46
14  libclutter-osx-1.0.0.dylib          0x00000001000b1db7 
clutter_stage_osx_show + 135 (clutter-stage-osx.c:328)


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