
I'm trying to get a plug-in called "CoverFlow" for the music called
Exaile to work.
The code can be downloaded here:
And a patch to update the code (which originally was written for
pyclutter-0.8) is available here:

I don't have much Python experience, and no clutter experience, but I
simply don't understand why all the documents I read on
clutter.BehaviourPath states it has several "knot"-functions
(append_knots() etc.). But when I get to the second line in the
following bit of the code:

        behavior = clutter.BehaviourPath(alpha)
the following error is printed to the terminal:

        AttributeError: 'clutter.BehaviourPath' object has no attribute
How can this be? Every page I read states that the BehaviourPath object
_does_ have the append_knots()-function. Also, when I go to a Python
terminal and enter the following two lines of code:

        import clutter
it doesn't print any "knot"-functions. Only the following is printed:

        r...@runescomp:~/Desktop/coverflow$ python
        Python 2.6.5 (r265:79063, Apr  3 2010, 01:57:29) 
        [GCC 4.4.3] on linux2
        Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more
        >>> import clutter
        >>> dir(clutter.BehaviourPath)
        ['__class__', '__cmp__', '__copy__', '__deepcopy__',
        '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__doc__', '__format__', '__gdoc__',
        '__getattribute__', '__gobject_init__', '__grefcount__',
        '__gtype__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__module__', '__new__',
        '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__',
        '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', 'actors_foreach',
        'apply', 'chain', 'connect', 'connect_after', 'connect_object',
        'connect_object_after', 'disconnect', 'disconnect_by_func',
        'do_alpha_notify', 'emit', 'emit_stop_by_name', 'freeze_notify',
        'get_actors', 'get_alpha', 'get_data', 'get_n_actors',
        'get_nth_actor', 'get_path', 'get_properties', 'get_property',
        'handler_block', 'handler_block_by_func', 'handler_disconnect',
        'handler_is_connected', 'handler_unblock',
        'handler_unblock_by_func', 'is_applied', 'notify', 'props',
        'remove', 'remove_all', 'set_alpha', 'set_data', 'set_path',
        'set_properties', 'set_property', 'stop_emission',
        'thaw_notify', 'weak_ref']

I'm kind of stuck here, as I can't figure out what would cause this.

Can anyone help?

Thanks for your time! :)


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