On 08/07/2010 03:41 PM, Alexander Neundorf wrote:
> # Call the function, if the keyword is present the value(s) following it will 

I think a better name would be something like "cmake_get_keyword_argument".

This interface requires the same argument lists to be traversed many times.
I think we should be using a macro like PARSE_ARGUMENTS from Boost's CMake
build system (see below).  This is its interface documentation:

# The PARSE_ARGUMENTS macro will take the arguments of another macro and
# define several variables. The first argument to PARSE_ARGUMENTS is a
# prefix to put on all variables it creates. The second argument is a
# list of names, and the third argument is a list of options. Both of
# these lists should be quoted. The rest of PARSE_ARGUMENTS are
# arguments from another macro to be parsed.
#     PARSE_ARGUMENTS(prefix arg_names options arg1 arg2...)
# For each item in options, PARSE_ARGUMENTS will create a variable with
# that name, prefixed with prefix_. So, for example, if prefix is
# MY_MACRO and options is OPTION1;OPTION2, then PARSE_ARGUMENTS will
# create the variables MY_MACRO_OPTION1 and MY_MACRO_OPTION2. These
# variables will be set to true if the option exists in the command line
# or false otherwise.
# For each item in arg_names, PARSE_ARGUMENTS will create a variable
# with that name, prefixed with prefix_. Each variable will be filled
# with the arguments that occur after the given arg_name is encountered
# up to the next arg_name or the end of the arguments. All options are
# removed from these lists. PARSE_ARGUMENTS also creates a
# prefix_DEFAULT_ARGS variable containing the list of all arguments up
# to the first arg_name encountered.

It should be possible to implement this with one pass over "arg_names",
one pass over "options", and one pass over the rest of the arguments.
I think a better name would be "cmake_parse_keyword_arguments".

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