On 08/12/2010 08:20 AM, Eric Noulard wrote:
> May be adding some extra warning flags wouldn't hurt?

It can make user-performed builds from release tarballs look less clean
if there is a warning their compiler adds with -Wall that we do not see.
It may be worthwhile though to reduce dashboard cleanup iterations.


Why not on MinGW?


Once we require CMake 2.6 we can use a flag table based on

set(CMake_C_FLAGS_GNU "-Wall")
set(CMake_C_FLAGS_Intel "-Wall")


(This actually brings up our lack of feature->flag mapping in
 the platform files, but that's another topic altogether.)

>   SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -pedantic -ansi -Wall
> -Wno-unused-function")
>   SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -pedantic -ansi -Wall
> -Woverloaded-virtual -Wno-unused-function")

I think use of "-pedantic" is no longer recommended.  At least
using some of the -Wxxx options would be okay IMO.

>> Did you set it as your "cvs/svn" user  name?
> Nope, the @blah.com is missing only eric.noulard
> shall I change that to match the whole mail address?


> I did just that without creating topicX branches.
> I'll redo that in this proper way.

It's fine to do it by naming the commits directly.  The only
difference is the default commit message generated by "git merge".
It will say "Merge commit abcdef into new-topic" which is much
less informative.  After doing the merge though you can go back
and fix up the message by hand with "git commit --amend".

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