On 9/22/2011 9:52 AM, Pau Garcia i Quiles wrote:

That log looks odd to me. The guy is talking about NetBeans, yet the log
shows he is using MinGW from QtCreator 2.3.0?

QtCreator's MinGW distribution ships windres.exe

Nuwen ships windres.exe

TDM ships windres.exe

mingw-w64 ships windres.exe

I'd say the problem is he has several make.exe in path. One of them
comes from Qt Creator's MinGW, the other maybe comes from Strawberry
Perl, msysgit, etc. I have been in such an scenario.

It may also be that his MinGW installation does not contain windres.exe
(maybe because he is using the original mingw32 from mingw.org
<http://mingw.org>, which is quite confusing to install and requires
several manual steps), but him using Qt Creator, I doubt it.

Naming may also be a problem: depending on what build you download from
mingw-w64, the RC compiler is called windres.exe or has a funny name
such as x86_64-w64-mingw32-windres.exe (which CMake does not find, IIIRC).

In summary, I think this guy's system is a bit messed up.

But, so was this guy:


Seems a shame to not build a c/c++ project that never uses the resource compiler because of this. Brad's optional idea might make this work, and is an easy change.


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