
I'm currently trying to add support for the source_group() command to the 
Eclipse project generator.
It's not as straighforward as I expected.

I expected that if I do

source_group(Foo FILES main.cpp)

in the CMakeLists.txt, that then in the generate step, there would be a 
cmSourceGroup object with that name ("Foo"), this is indeed the case, and that 
I then could simply iterate over the files of this source group, which would 
give me "main.cpp". This is not the case.

The source_group() command puts main.cpp into the member std::set<cmStdString> 
GroupFiles of cmSourceGroup, and cmSourceGroup::GetSourceFiles() returns the  
member std::vector<const cmSourceFile*> SourceFiles; which is empty in my 

So, how should source groups be handled in the Eclipse generator ?
There are already "links" to the source dir and to each project-dir, so the 
groups would only provide additional, well, grouping.

But cmSourceGroup::GroupFiles is private and I don't see a way to access it, 
the only place I found where its contents are read is in 
cmSourceGroup::MatchesFiles(), but there its contents are compared with a 
function argument, so it still doesn't give me read-access to the set of added 


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