On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 5:08 PM, Richard Wackerbarth <rich...@nfsnet.org>wrote:

> What are we trying to accomplish here?

2 things:

(1) Keep the CMake ninja generator working with the changing state of the
CMake code base (primary)
(2) Understanding what version of ninja works good on all the platforms on
which it is built

If we're going to recommend ninja to people because it's better than make
in some respects, then we want to have a good understanding of where it
works well and where it still has rough edges. Having CMake dashboards
using the ninja generator and some build of ninja on as many platforms as
possible will help us (as a community) learn these things.

Plus, if we have nightly dashboards reporting the status, it's a good place
to point people to if they have doubts.

> I have set up 3 of my machines (1 each MacOSX, FreeBSD, and Linux --- like
> my housekeeper, I don't do Windows) to submit nightly builds using the
> Ninja generator. That will test the impact of changes in the generator.
Thanks -- these are going to be an excellent addition.

> But it appears that we may also need to be testing the evolving state of
> ninja.
> For that, it would seem that we need a different dashboard and (at least
> as a wrapper) a CMake driven build of ninja.
Ideally, we would have both. Some CMake dashboard submissions built using a
known stable-ish ninja, and then some more that use a bleeding edge ninja
since it's still in a fairly active stage of development.

Am I missing something?

Nope. You're spot on.

Thanks, Richard.


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