On Tuesday 03 April 2012, Alexander Neundorf wrote:
> Hi,
> which "additional" targets are supported with the ninja generator ?
> The "help" target does not seem to be supported. This would be nice.
> With Makefiles, for every target foo there is also a target foo/fast.
> This seems to be not supported currently. Is it planned ?
> With Makefiles, there are targets to
> - compile a single source file foo.c -> foo.o
> - preprocess a single source file foo.c -> foo.i
> - assemble (actually compile but do not assemble) a single source file
>          foo.c -> foo.s
> Those also seem not to be supported currently.
> Is this planned ? It would be nice.

cmGlobalNinjaGenerator.h contains:

virtual const char* GetCleanTargetName()         const { return "clean"; }

but there actually no "clean" target:
tests/build-hello-eclipse-ninja$ ninja clean
ninja: ERROR: unknown target 'clean', did you mean 'ninja -t clean'?

Maybe it shouldn't return a valid string, since it does not really have a 
"clean" target ?


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