Brad King wrote:

> On 10/23/2012 10:15 AM, Stephen Kelly wrote:
>>> Something like this, yes.  It may be really nasty to know when to
>>> trigger the policy because we need to know whether the project loads
>>> its own export() output.
>> One way would be for include() and find_package() to query the global
>> generator to find if a makefile has a cmExportBuildGenerator which
>> outputs the argument (add a GetMainImportFile). Apart from those two
>> commands, are there other ways of using an export()ed file as input at
>> configure-time?
> I think ReadListFile would be the place to put in a hook like that.
> It can help report when it loads a file generated by something else
> earlier in the configuration process.
> There are good reasons to delay export() until generate time regardless
> of what other features it enables.  Please try to work this out as an
> independent topic first.  Then you can base the additional genex work
> on it but we can merge it separately depending on timing for the next
> release.

Yep, can do. I already had several local topics. I've reordered them, force 
pushed and also pushed the intermediate branches. 

The topics use-generator-target and target-location-configure-time don't 
depend on anything or each other, so I can work on merging them when 
development opens again. 

After that export-at-generate-time can be rewritten. 

After that I'll get the contents of use-generator-target-2 in, probably 
split into multiple topics so that the nightlies feedback stays managable.

Then we can return to the link depends issues, followed by everything else.




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