> I think it would be nice to move
> get_item_rpaths() from BundleUtilities.cmake to gp_item_get_rpaths() in 
> GetPrerequisites.cmake.

Well, this function is generic enough to (possible) serve other routines or 
even in CMakeLists.txt, so I'd leave it as it is.

> And how does your patch or patch set handle @loader_path being used in the 
> rpath?

My patch doesn't change anything in this regard, this is handles as it was done 
previously via ${context} which is expected to be the referencing 

> Also, I think the function signature should include the rpath vs runpath 
> distinction.  I realize OS X doesn't have the runpath concept, but if one 
> were to add support for Linux, one may need that where the runpath affects 
> only finding immediate dependencies.

Well, this is fine. Can you please submit your patches once my code gets 
merged. It would be best to do it step by step. WDYT?

> Below is what I have for Linux and OS X.
> It include rpath vs. runpath, and expands out the @loader_path variable.

Well I think this is incorrect, because @loader_path gets expanded to image 
containing LC_RPATH not image that is actually loading image, which may be 
different binary (library), e.g.:

 -> @rpath/libsome.so
 -> @rpath/libsomeplugin.so

Now let's assume bin/MyApp has following LC_RPATHs:

Then with your script plugins/ would be resolved to be bin/plugins/ but in fact 
dyld will resolve it to lib/plugins/ because it is lib/libsome.so which is 
loader of @rpath/libsomeplugin.so.

> (...)
>  if(APPLE)
>    execute_process(COMMAND otool -l "${binary}"
>                    COMMAND grep -A2 LC_RPATH
>                    COMMAND grep path
>                    OUTPUT_VARIABLE paths)
>    string(REPLACE "\n" ";" paths "${paths}")
>    foreach(str ${paths})
>      string(REGEX REPLACE " path (.*) \\(offset.*" "\\1" rpath "${str}")
>      string(STRIP "${rpath}" rpath)
>      string(REPLACE "@loader_path" "${binary_dir}" rpath "${rpath}")
>      list(APPEND myrpaths "${rpath}")
>    endforeach()
> (...)

Current implementation with my patches doesn't do @loader|executable_path 
substitution in LC_RPATH because of simple reason. If your binary has LC_RPATHs 
with these then in 99% cases the dependencies are already in the bundle. So 
only LC_RPATH with absolute paths will cause copy.


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