Brad King wrote:

> On 09/09/2014 06:32 PM, Stephen Kelly wrote:
>> I saw the addition of the VS_WINRT_COMPONENT property. This seems to be
>> an attribute to mark an executable specially so that it is built with
>> appropriate flags for the WinRT platform.
> Yes.  It is similar to the WIN32_EXECUTABLE target property.
>>  Building executables as libraries (2014-03-21)
> FYI, in my Github fork you can see a WIP branch adding support for
> NVIDIA's Nsight Tegra Visual Studio Edition.  It links executables
> as shared libraries unless they are marked with an ANDROID_GUI target
> property.

I notice there is also a ANDROID_API target property. Presumably that allows 
things like 

 foreach(api 16 19)
   add_library(mylib-android-${api} mylib.cpp)
   set_property(TARGET mylib-android-${api} PROPERTY ANDROID_API ${api})

I wonder if it would instead make sense to provide some INTERFACE targets 
with INTERFACE_ANDROID_API set and then 

 target_link_libraries(mylib cmake::android-16)

for example. This has the disadvantage of requiring the android-${api} 
targets to be predefined, but maybe a use-story of 


would avoid a need to hardcode them. The INTERFACE_ANDROID_API, along with 
compatibility requirements, would prevent mistakes (?) like

 add_library(lib1 ...)
 add_library(lib2 ...)
 set_property(TARGET lib1 PROPERTY 
 set_property(TARGET lib1 PROPERTY 

 target_link_libraries(lib1 lib2) # Not the same API version.

> The property activates creation of a .apk.

The approach I prototyped for BB10 .bar packages was to generate them with 

This has the effect that the description of build-targets and their 
dependencies etc is mostly 'normal' and free from BB10-specific stuff, and 
there is a list of cpack/BAR-related variables in the cpack section of the 
CMakeLists (where there could also be a list of cpack/android-related 

Should there be some merging of functionality from cpack into cmake?

>> Today, I think 'cross-platform' includes a few mobile platforms as first-
>> class targets, and cross-compiling is part of what cross-platform means.
>> So, I wonder what a cross-platform buildsystem necessarily looks like
>> today, and whether it can be done better/abstracted with more first class
>> features.
> Good question.  I think support for each mobile target will have to be
> added on an incremental basis.  If some common themes emerge over time
> then perhaps we can identify some abstractions.  

It seems that with these changes, a project aiming to be 'cross-platform' 
would end up writing a macro like 

 macro(set_properties_for_platform tgt)
     if (ANDROID)
       set_property(TARGET ${tgt} ...)
     elseif (BLACKBERRY)
       set_property(TARGET ${tgt} ...)
     elseif (WinRT)
       set_property(TARGET ${tgt} ...)

 # This now looks 'normal' and 'cross platform'
 add_executable(hello_world main.cpp)
 # Call this for each target:

That's assuming such a macro has all the information it would need to set 
the appropriate properties...

> However, each of these
> platforms requires some kind of app manifest, and that is a different
> file/format for each target platform.  Projects will at least have to
> add such manifest files for each platform they want to support.

Do each such files have the same or similar content? Author, url, siging key 
etc? That might be a good avenue to explore for a cross-platform 

>> I'm reminded of the previous proposal for multiple toolchain use.
>> Partly that discussion was aborted because we already had the large topic
>> of designing and implementing usage-requirements to deal with. As that is
>> now complete as designed, it might be worthwhile to re-consider and
>> discuss/design how multiple toolchains could be used at once, whether
>> that would require or benefit from a new language for cmake (another
>> orthogoal known possible future-direction for cmake) etc.
> The main challenge here is that CMake exposes a lot of information about
> "the one" toolchain per language selected during configuration in the
> CMake language as variables.  Your "toolchain scope" proposal would
> provide a context for code that will see the toolchain information
> for each enabled target toolchain.  However, perhaps it would be better
> in the long run to consider something more declarative and with a
> new language.

Yes, perhaps. A new language creates a lot of sunk-cost for people porting 
and learning it though of course. There would need to be enough 
justification for doing it. This could be designed to be part of that 
justification. I think there may be other justifications for designing a new 
language too. Are you still thinking of a 'pure'-Lua-based (not via 
CMakeLists which loads Lua somehow) system as an end-goal?

I believe part of the motivation for qbs (the next Qt build tool) is 
multiple architecture support, which I believe is preferred by some to 
create Android APKs targeting multiple architectures

So, that's at least how this stuff in this thread fits together and can be 
considered together. I don't understand the motivation to put multiple 
architectures into one package (everyone downloading the package gets N-1 
times the amount of stuff they need), but so it is.

Anyway the above problem is not solved with the suggestion below.

> When cross-compiling it is common to build some tools for the host
> system to be used during the build itself.  There is always exactly
> one host platform, so perhaps we can design a new mode of support for
> cross-compiling that configures "the one" toolchain for the *host*
> system only.  Then provide some kind of declarative or delayed-until-
> generate-time specification, perhaps using a new language, for the
> cross-compiled pieces.  Eventually that spec could be used for the
> host system too.

Yes, that would be a good intermediate goal. There are many interesting 
design requirements even for that, such as the example from Daniel of 
building a library for both host and target, and whether find_package would 
need multiple modes of operation etc. For example, in a single cmake 
buildsystem I would need two Qt5Core packages - one host used by a generator 
and one target. Currently there is only one cache and one possible 
Qt5Core_DIR etc.

When you refer to 'a new language' here, do you mean in the same sense of 
how generator expressions were a new language (without a departure from the 
current cmake language as a whole), or do you mean something different?




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