On 9/23/2014 8:09 AM, Robert Maynard wrote:
The lowest hanging fruit would be to transition over to setting the
global variable CMAKE_MACOSX_BUNDLE which is used to initialize the
MACOSX_BUNDLE property on all the targets. CMake also supports
CMAKE_XCODE_ATTRIBUTE global variables to allow easy code signing etc.

Lastly have you looked at setting up different toolchains for the
simulator and device?
We have recently looked at this problem. Setting CMAKE_MACOSX_BUNDLE in the toolchain file gets you part of the way there. However, some try_compile stuff will still fail because it can not find the app bundles.

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)

This will get you to the problem:

cmake -GXcode -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../ios.toolchain.xcode.cmake .. -DIOS_PLATFORM=SIMULATOR

Trouble is in cmake/Modules/CheckTypeSize.cmake where it does a try_compile with COPY_FILE. The COPY_FILE in cmCoreTryCompile.cxx does not look for the bundle option and therefore can not find the executable.

However, now that I look at it, I think I might be able to fix it pretty easy.

That said it would be really cool to beef up the xcode support enough to be able to create an actual ios app. I have not dug into that enough. Should be able to do most of it with CMAKE_XCODE_ATTRIBUTE. I will look into this try_compile COPY_FILE issue today and get back to the list.

It would be great if you could get an example/Test in place that builds an app for a device and works with Xcode and for a stretch goal also works with makefiles or ninja.



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