Hi there,

I suspect I'm the culprit in this case. To give a bit of context, I think the original recommendation was to the CMake ML (http://cmake.3232098.n2.nabble.com/Help-with-Policy-CMP0026-disallow-LOCATION-target-property-td7589336.html) and the other instance was a recent StackOverflow answer (http://stackoverflow.com/a/30669105/2556117). I'd hardly class the SO answer as a recommendation... but that's by the by :-)

As a CMake user, I have a couple of observations here.

I don't think any amount of documentation will entirely solve this. Compare the docs for policies (http://www.cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.3/manual/cmake-policies.7.html) with those for file(GLOB ...) (http://www.cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.3/command/file.html) and link_directories (http://www.cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.3/command/link_directories.html) All of these discourage the use of these features in some way (probably most noticeable for file(GLOB ...) due to the highlighting), but there are often answers on SO which recommend them.

Having said that, I think the docs for policies is the least likely to be read of the three. I'm only guessing, but I expect users will be more likely to hit the page for the specific policy they're interested in, along with the page for the cmake_policy command (http://www.cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.3/command/cmake_policy.html). None of these pages gives even a hint that setting a policy to OLD is discouraged.

From my own perspective, runtime warnings would be the best way to encourage me to use a different option other than setting a policy to OLD.

Again as an outsider, if setting CMP0002 to OLD to allow duplicate target names is a guaranteed bug regardless of OS or compiler, I can't see a reason to continue supporting it.


On 08/06/2015 21:52, Brad King wrote:
On 06/08/2015 04:43 PM, Stephen Kelly wrote:
In fact, I added that in response to someone on SO recommending setting
policies to OLD and pointed them to the commit and the generated docs, and
they're still recommending the same thing as SO answers. Policies are alive
too long to be credible pending error-conditions. They look like - and are
treated as - feature toggles.
Given the existing docs you quoted I don't think any further docs
such as release notes will help.  We would need to add a runtime
warning to draw attention to pending removal.  It would be different
than the current "not set" warning and instead be "not set to NEW".



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