To revive this issue, I show a comparison of the CMakeCache entries for
cmake run from the same configuration, 1) cmake 3.2.3 with "old" PythonLibs
.vs. 2) cmake 3.3.1 with the new FindPythonLibs.cmake.

Cmake 1):

# This is the CMakeCache file.
# For build in directory: d:/mingw/msys32/tmp/bld-32
# It was generated by CMake: D:/mingw/msys32/mingw32/bin/cmake.exe
//Path to a program.

//Path to a file.

//Path to a library.

//Dependencies for the target

//Dependencies for the target
//Path to CMake executable.
//Details about finding PythonLibs

Cmake 2): cmake 3.3.1 run from outside the msys tree,using the patched

# This is the CMakeCache file.
# For build in directory: d:/mingw/msys32/tmp/bld-32
# It was generated by CMake: D:/programs/CMake-3.3/bin/cmake.exe
//Path to a program.

//Path to a file.

//Path to a library.

//Dependencies for the target

//Dependencies for the target
//Path to CMake executable.
//Details about finding PythonLibs

So, my windows-y python installation which is registered in the windows
registry, interferes with my use of
python until I replace the FindPythonLibs.cmake with the modified version.
The new routine will find the registry  version in the same manner  if

  Someone using this routine from windows (MSVC) or from a non-win32
environment should have the same results as before.  If the MSYS user only
has a separate windows-based registry-registered python
and there is nothing found in the unix-style searches, the previous
behavior of providing answers from the registry-based installation kicks in.

Regards, Greg

On Fri, Aug 7, 2015 at 4:05 PM, Greg Jung <> wrote:

> >   I have two changes in FindPythonLibs that should make for less failure
>> in
>> > the MINGW/MSYS camp.
>> While I support this stuff, I think for it to not
>> break other people (who use either compilers or
>> the old MSYS with 'normal' Windows CPython),
> If there is not a python installation to be found in the mingw path, the
> patched routine will drop into the registry search. which will look
> exactly like previous.
> I think you explicitly mean the MSYS2 camp here. We have our own
>> Pythons (4 of them, 2 native and 2 cygwin-y) all of which use a
>> Linux-y layout.
>   I've been running with msys2, and lately I've done a lot of test-running
> of plplot using plain vanilla
> CMake without the patches I used to think were needed.   I found that from
> the CMake point of view,
> msys1 or msys2 is a distinction without a difference.
>> CMake needs to be able to
>> identify MSYS2 distinctly from both MINGW and MSYS first. Would a
>> patch making that distinction be acceptable to CMake?
> I have used CMakeFindMSYSmake and CMakeFindUnixMake to set a variable
> designating
> what /usr translates to:
> #
> # the variable MSYS_USR_PATH is here  created for use
> # where the /usr provided by an MSYS app needs to be translated for
> Windows.
> #
> unset(_BIN)
> find_path( _BIN   msys-1.0.dll   NAMES msys-2.0.dll         HINTS ENV PATH
> if(_BIN)
>   set(MSYS 1)
> find_path( MSYS_USR_PATH bin   PATHS ${_BIN}/../    NO_DEFAULT_PATH)
>    mark_as_advanced(MSYS_USR_PATH)
>    message(STATUS "<CMakeUnixFindMake>: MSYS dll found on
> endif()
> unset(_BIN)
> On Fri, Aug 7, 2015 at 2:25 AM, Ray Donnelly <>
> wrote:
>> On Fri, Aug 7, 2015 at 7:58 AM, Greg Jung <> wrote:
>> > Hi there,
>> >   A patch for review:
>> >
>> >   I have two changes in FindPythonLibs that should make for less
>> failure in
>> > the MINGW/MSYS camp.
>> I think you explicitly mean the MSYS2 camp here. We have our own
>> Pythons (4 of them, 2 native and 2 cygwin-y) all of which use a
>> Linux-y layout. While I support this stuff, I think for it to not
>> break other people (who use either compilers or
>> the old MSYS with 'normal' Windows CPython), CMake needs to be able to
>> identify MSYS2 distinctly from both MINGW and MSYS first. Would a
>> patch making that distinction be acceptable to CMake?
>> > 1. Distinguish mingw and win32.  Avoid the registry lookup.
>> > if(WIN32) => if(WIN32 AND NOT (MINGW OR MSYS)) for the DEBUG library
>> search,
>> > a full unix-style find_library call without reference to possible
>> registry
>> > entries.
>> >
>> > +    NAMES
>> > +    python${_CURRENT_VERSION_NO_DOTS}
>> > +    python${_CURRENT_VERSION}mu
>> > +    python${_CURRENT_VERSION}m
>> > +    python${_CURRENT_VERSION}u
>> > +    python${_CURRENT_VERSION}
>> > +#
>> > +    NAMES_PER_DIR
>> > +    # Avoid finding the .dll in the PATH.  We want the .lib.
>> > +# The NAMES_PER_DIR above should allow the library to be found where
>> it was
>> > desired
>> > +# in the prioritized location of PATH - cmake V3.3 behavior;
>> > +#    NO_SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT_PATH works counter to cmake-3.3 improvement
>> > where CMake will look into path.
>> > +#
>> > +  )
>> > +endif()
>> >
>> > 2. NAMES_PER_DIR replaces NO_SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT_PATH to modify the
>> search
>> > such that windows/system32/python27.dll
>> > (for instance) is not picked up before finding the proper library under
>> > <path component>/lib
>> >
>> >
>> >   Instead of throwing all of the possible locations into a single
>> > find_library(), for WIN32+MINGW builds this may latch into a windows'
>> > python.
>> > This is not an issue when CMake is run from /MINGW.
>> > CMake-3.3.0 (and above) can use PATH to discover targets of
>> find_library,
>> > allowing
>> > a user with several MINGW installations to use a single cmake (and
>> > cmake-gui) instead of
>> > installing several copies for each mingw to be built with.  Unless the
>> > find_path or
>> > find_library uses "NO_SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT_PATH" which kills the new
>> feature.
>> >   Even though /mingw32/bin is frontmost in the path,
>> > windows/system32/python27.dll
>> > was latched onto because the name matches earlier in the NAMES list than
>> > python2.7.
>> > to avoid this all of the names are tested as the direcftories are
>> presented,
>> > this via the
>> > NAMES_PER_DIR qualifier.
>> >
>> >    This makes is possible for me to run builds using Cmake-gui without
>> > installing cmake-gui
>> > in /mingw32/bin (and qt5 along with it!).
>> >
>> > Regards,
>> > Greg
>> >
>> > --
>> >
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