On 06/08/2018 11:56 AM, REIX, Tony wrote:
> We'd like to know if cmake has already been ported on AIX.

Yes, it has long worked on AIX.  We have nightly testing
on AIX 7.2 with both GCC 7.2 and XL 13.1.  A couple of tests
are disabled for those builds but it works in general.

Since CMake 3.10 we require C++11 language and standard
library features so we've only gotten it compiling on AIX
using GCC.  The above-mentioned nightly builds still run
the test suite against XL too though.

If you're interested in running nightly testing too, more
machines/versions would be helpful.  See here:


You'd need to start with a GCC build.  Then I can help you
configure it to run the test suite with XL too.

> Version 3.11.1 :
>  # /opt/freeware/bin/cmake
> Could not load program /opt/freeware/bin/cmake:
> rtld: 0712-001 Symbol _ZTINSt6thread6_StateE was referenced
>       from module cmake(), but a runtime definition
>             of the symbol was not found.

How did you build or install it?

That symbol demangles to "typeinfo for std::thread::_State",
which is part of the C++ standard library.

Make sure the `libstdc++` library used at runtime is at
least as new as the one used when it was compiled.


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