> >Do you plan to also remove the parenthesis in a future release ?
> >
> >Gaetan
> My patch also made any unparenthesized cmake macro/function call
> equivalent to the same call without any arguments
> FOO()
> This required some changes to the parser/scanner.  I'd be happy to
> regenerate it off cvs trunk, if there's interest...  I did run through

I'm currently planning on leaving the parenthesis in. Some of the syntax
highlighting modes for editors require it, it keeps the syntax simple, and
once you type the () you really never have to change them. All pretty minor
issues but then the benefit is fairly minor as well. I do want to support
the same change as this for ENDMACRO since that is inconsistent right now in
comparison to ENDIF, ENDWHILE, and ENDFOREACH.


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