2007/7/31, Brandon Van Every <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On 7/31/07, Eric Noulard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 2007/7/31, Brandon Van Every <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> > > and CMake
> > > doesn't figure out how to do Java, then CMake will lose in the Eclipse 
> > > world.
> >
> > Not so sure, even if I'm no eclipse expert.
> > If CMake is able to generate Eclipse project files and/or with
> > eventual Ant build files then I'm pretty sure CMake will get in the Eclipse
> > world very soon.
> Oh come on, you think anyone's going to bother to support such major
> tasks if CMake doesn't speak Java reasonably well?

Yes I think a lot of Eclipse/CDT user won't ever need CMake Java support.

> > I think you underestimate what Ant
> > and the wealth of optional tasks are able to do, I suggest you go
> > to http://ant.apache.org/manual/ and browse tasks.
> > You'll see that high level ant tasks enables you to do ftp, ssh, scp,
> > cvs, subversion, rpm building in a easy way.
> > As far as I know CMake does not have those capabilities.

as portable and as powerful as a custom Ant task can be.

>From within ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET you have limited
programmatic possibility in comparison with Java used for custom ant task.

>From my experience I have to write platform specific
ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET for different platforms, at least
one for Windows and one for Un*x whereas custom ant task
may be written in a java-portable fashion.

Be assured I am a pro-cmake user, but I look at CMake and Ant
with a different point if view.

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