I found the problem.  The output from the custom command has to
explicitly specify the destination path of the output file.


I was already specifying the full path for the input to the library.



Juan Sanchez wrote:
> I created a custom command to generate a cpp file.
> I then use this cpp file to create a library as a separate add_library
> command.
> Whenever I type make, this cpp file is regenerated, and the library is
> recreated.  Compiling this file is super expensive.  Nothing has changed
> between invocations of make.
> I stated the dependencies in the custom command.  Why is it always
> recreating the cpp file?
> Is there anyway to stop this behavior?
> Turning off dependency checking is not an option since it is needed for
> everything else.  This is gmake on a linux box.
> Thanks,
> Juan
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Juan Sanchez
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