Brandon Van Every wrote:
On 8/8/07, Alan W. Irwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 2007-08-08 21:52-0400 Bill Hoffman wrote:

one of the c files includes a c++ file that is why I need to compile my c
files with g++ and not gcc. One of the solution would be to rename my c
file cpp or cxx

You can also set the language for that .c file to CXX.
set_source_file_properties(foo.c PROPERTIES LANGUAGE CXX)
Bill, the LANGUAGE property for set_source_files_properties is not
documented.  Please fix!

I filed bug #5393 a little over 2 weeks ago.  We first raised this
issue on the mailing list 6 weeks before that.  Asking to have it
fixed doesn't do any good.  I've filed lots of "Content" bugs over the
past year, now called "text" bugs.  Some are trivial to fix, others
would take elbow grease to deal with.  Almost none have been dealt
with.  We need a better way for the community to handle this, because
Kitware isn't going to deal with most of them.  We've had threads
about documentation infrastructure in the past 2 months.  People have
floated some ideas but nobody, including myself, has stepped up to the

I've raised the priority on this bug to "high" because it keeps coming
up over and over again.
To fix this I have to move the fix onto the branch. The web pages for the online-docs are automatically generated from the branch. I will get to it. But, when something is fixed in CVS, I sort of consider it fixed. This particular problem has come up several times,
and I will address it soon....


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