I'm using cmake2.5 HEAD.

I'm trying to get a verbose build out of it on Windows using NMake Makefiles, with:

make VERBOSE=1

but all I get with that are lines like:

C:\ARCHIV~1\MICROS~1.NET\Vc7\bin\cl.exe @C:/DOCUME~1/gga/CONFIG~1/Temp\nmFF.tmp

I'm wondering if VERBOSE=1 can be made to work properly.
Those .tmp files contain all the compiler settings, but they are created and removed right away after a file is compiled or linked.

At the very least, I'd like to know what file in the source code is responsible for creating the compile/link lines like the above, so I can add a printing of that tmp file first.

Gonzalo Garramuño

AMD4400 - ASUS48N-E
Kubuntu Edgy
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