On 10/23/07, Brandon Van Every <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you try to run CMakeSetup with MinGW on Windows Vista, and you get
> a screenful of errors including a line:
> gcc.exe: installation problem, cannot exec `cc1': No such file or
> directory
> it's not you and it's not CMake.  MinGW's gcc 3.4.5 is fundamentally
> broken under Vista.  I've been chasing around the mailing list
> archives and it looks like it won't be officially fixed until MinGW
> ships gcc 4.2.0.  Unofficially, you can get a patched set of driver
> files.
> http://dessent.net/tmp/gcc-vista-3.4.5-20060117-1.tar.gz
> YMMV as to how well they work.  They do get me past the "cannot exec
> cc1" problem but I don't have any other experience with them so far.

Possible Solution:
A "set of patched driver files" is (hopefully) not really necessary. I
installed the "stable" MinGW 5.13 on my Vista laptop with gcc 3.4.2 and had
the same issue. I got it to work by adding this to my path:

set PATH=C:\MinGW\bin;C:\MinGW\libexec\gcc\mingw32\3.4.2;%PATH%

This is in a windows cmd prompt. Translate accordingly for use in msys or
cygwin environments... (Or perhaps for gcc 3.4.5...)

David Cole
CMake mailing list

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