I've wondered, how does one script in Java?  Same as in the C/C++
universe: with something else.  Ergo the JRuby / JRake stuff I just
posted about.  Well, some people in the Java universe wanted to
script, and they came up with Groovy.   http://groovy.codehaus.org/
They put it on top of Ant and called it Gant.
http://gant.codehaus.org/  This provides the layer of conditional
logic that the straight declarative Ant / XML approach lacks.

The main benefit I see in Groovy, is it paves over all that despicable
XML syntax.  At least, that's my bigoted anti-XML never-tried-XML
don't-wanna-try-XML perspective.  I could see myself using Groovy.
I've never been able to fathom writing <verbosecrap>small
item</verbosecrap> over and over again, at least not by hand.  I've
wondered if the entire XML universe is driven by program editors
instead of human beings.  Sorta like the Postscript of programming?

The Java universe has a lot of JVM-based scripting languages.  I'm
trying to figure out whether any are more popular than the others.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

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