
I would like to be able to append arbitrary linker options to the end of my 
link lines on Unix/Linux systems.  However, the options set in the 
CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS variable are listed *before* all of the libraries that 
CMake knows about.  I need to be able to append a bunch of nasty options like 
Fortran libraries, MPI libraries (in some nasty cases) and other libraries that 
must come after all other libraries.

The problem is that while I could carefully list the libraries that need to be 
appended and I could use find_library(...) to get them correctly I may just 
have a glob of libraries and other linker options that someone gives me and I 
just want to apply them without having to parse everything out.

Is there some way to force CMake on Unix/Linux systems to append arbitrary 
linker options?


- Ross

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