 COMMAND ${test_cmd}
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E compare_files ${output_blessed} $ {output_test}
 RESULT_VARIABLE test_not_successful

if( test_not_successful )
message( SEND_ERROR "${output_test} does not match $ {output_blessed}!" )
endif( test_not_successful )

and then in your CMakeLists.txt:

add_test( "someImportantTest"
-Dtest_cmd="${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/tests/someImportantTestProgram -- with arguments" -Doutput_blessed="${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tests/output/ someImportatanTestProgram.output"
 -P ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/CMake/run_test.cmake

I have noticed that if I use
-Dtest_cmd="${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/tests/someImportantTestProgram -- with arguments" it results in errors - it appears that the test_cmd variable is not interpreted properly because the resulting process does not get executed. For executables without arguments, removing quotes seems to work to set test_cmd properly.

For example

# in CMakeLists.txt
add_test( dummy_1
  -Dtest_cmd="ls -lah"
  -P ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/util/try.cmake

# in try.cmake
if( NOT test_cmd )
  message( FATAL_ERROR "Variable test_cmd not defined" )
endif( NOT test_cmd )

execute_process( COMMAND ${test_cmd} )

This does not work (e.g. the output in Testing/Temporary/LastTest.log does not show that the command actually executed). The results in the LastTest.log file are
Start testing: Jul 06 11:53 MDT
Changing directory into: /Users/u0033394/projects/ExprLib/build/util
1/1 Testing: dummy_1
1/1 Test: dummy_1
Command: "/Applications/CMake 2.6-4.app/Contents/bin/cmake" "- Dtest_cmd="ls -lah"" "-P" "/Users/u0033394/projects/ExprLib/util/ try.cmake"
Directory: /Users/u0033394/projects/ExprLib/build/util
"dummy_1" start time: Jul 06 11:53 MDT
"dummy_1" end time: Jul 06 11:53 MDT
"dummy_1" time elapsed: 00:00:00

End testing: Jul 06 11:53 MDT

Any ideas?
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