On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 10:51:28AM +0800, xiad...@sina.com wrote:
> The corresponding statement in the .vcproj file generated by CMake is:
> AdditionalOptions=" /Zm1000 /GL"
> When I open the property pages in VS 2005,I can see /GL on the 
> page on command line, but the item of“Whole Program Optimization”on the 
> page of Optimization is still No.
> Why does not CMake generate WholeProgramOptimization="1" in the .vcproj file?

I've seen a similar case where the CMake-generated .vcproj "looked"
wrong in the IDE but the compiler was actually using the appropriate
setting (the /DEBUG flag iirc).

It may be that Visual Studio is actually compiling the code with "Whole Program
Optimization". Can you check that somehow?

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