Hi all,

I'm experiencing an LDAP problem with CDash. When I try to log into
CDash for the first time as a valid LDAP user, I get the message:

No givenname (cn) set in LDAP, cannot register user into MIDAS

Now I've been digging in the PHP-code a bit, but I know little PHP.
The problem seems to be in the function ldapAuthenticate() in login.php.
For reasons I don't understand, the return value of 
 ldap_search($ldap,$CDASH_LDAP_BASEDN, 'mail='.$email, array('dn','cn'))
contains an empty 'cn' field, though it does contain a valid 'dn' field.

For debugging purposes, I've removed the attributes specification in the
ldap_search() call, thus returning all attributes. This gives me:

array(2) { ["count"]=>  int(1) [0]=>  array(24) { ["objectclass"]=>
array(4) { ["count"]=>  int(3) [0]=>  string(13) "shadowAccount" [1]=>
string(12) "posixAccount" [2]=>  string(13) "inetOrgPerson" } [0]=>
string(11) "objectclass" ["gecos"]=>  array(2) { ["count"]=>  int(1)
[0]=>  string(12) "Marcel Loose" } [1]=>  string(5) "gecos" ["uid"]=>
array(2) { ["count"]=>  int(1) [0]=>  string(5) "loose" } [2]=>
string(3) "uid" ["sn"]=>  array(2) { ["count"]=>  int(1) [0]=>
string(5) "Loose" } [3]=>  string(2) "sn" ["givenname"]=>  array(2)
{ ["count"]=>  int(1) [0]=>  string(6) "Marcel" } [4]=>  string(9)
"givenname" ["uidnumber"]=>  array(2) { ["count"]=>  int(1) [0]=>
string(3) "511" } [5]=>  string(9) "uidnumber" ["mail"]=>  array(2)
{ ["count"]=>  int(1) [0]=>  string(15) "lo...@astron.nl" } [6]=>
string(4) "mail" ["gidnumber"]=>  array(2) { ["count"]=>  int(1) [0]=>
string(4) "1000" } [7]=>  string(9) "gidnumber" ["shadowlastchange"]=>
array(2) { ["count"]=>  int(1) [0]=>  string(5) "14127" } [8]=>
string(16) "shadowlastchange" ["homedirectory"]=>  array(2)
{ ["count"]=>  int(1) [0]=>  string(11) "/home/loose" } [9]=>
string(13) "homedirectory" ["loginshell"]=>  array(2) { ["count"]=>
int(1) [0]=>  string(9) "/bin/bash" } [10]=>  string(10)
"loginshell" ["count"]=>  int(11) ["dn"]=>  string(35)
"uid=loose,ou=people,dc=astron,dc=nl" } }

Indeed, 'cn' is missing here. It is, however, present in the LDAP
database. Here's a snippet of the output of 'slapcat', for the given

dn: uid=loose,ou=people,dc=astron,dc=nl
objectClass: shadowAccount
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
gecos: Marcel Loose
uid: loose
sn: Loose
givenName: Marcel
structuralObjectClass: inetOrgPerson
entryUUID: 2375bf08-e435-102b-8b97-3952138d3cf7
creatorsName: cn=Manager,dc=astron,dc=nl
createTimestamp: 20070821132115Z
uidNumber: 511
mail: lo...@astron.nl
gidNumber: 1000
shadowLastChange: 14127
cn: Marcel Loose
userPassword:: <########>
homeDirectory: /home/loose
loginShell: /bin/bash
entryCSN: 20100104140045Z#000000#00#000000
modifiersName: cn=Manager,dc=astron,dc=nl
modifyTimestamp: 20100104140045Z

I don't know if this is a CDash problem -- e.g. it should use a
different ldap-function; or if it's a problem with the PHP-LDAP module;
or if it's an LDAP database/configuration problem. Could someone please
shed a light on this?

Best regards,
Marcel Loose.

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