Hi all,

Sorry to bump in late in this discussing (Ascension day and all that).
I've also hit the same problem (see
http://www.mail-archive.com/cmake@cmake.org/msg27838.html). In this case
it was related to FindBoost.cmake, but the issue is the same. 

I would be very much in favour of turning the loop in the different
cmFind*.cxx files inside out: i.e. loop over the paths in the outer loop
and over the names in the inner loop. If it turns out this breaks any
CMake build environments, a policy could be added, though I doubt that
will be necessary.

Best regards,
Marcel Loose.

On Sat, 2010-05-15 at 11:04 -0700, Alan W. Irwin wrote:
> On 2010-05-15 09:43-0400 Bill Hoffman wrote:
> > OK, your right, it does prefer names that show up first in the name
list even 
> > if they are later in the total path.
> > [...] Not supper easy to fix...   FindProgram is actually a pretty
> > function.
> > But, if someone wants to test/send a patch... :)
> My C++ skills are too limited to help here, but I believe swapping the
> bodies of the "inner" and "outer" FindProgram methods should do the
> along with the change that the new outer method (formerly the old
> method) iterates over all names to call the new inner method.
> >
> > Might break something, but I doubt it.  If you have two copies of
> > on a machine, you are bound to make someone unhappy some of the time
> > picking the wrong one...
> Well ordinary users tend not to change the order of NAMES that
> occur in Find modules.  However, they do know how to manipulate the
> SUPER_PATH (the collection of all CMake path variants under the
control of
> the CMake user).  Thus, I doubt anybody will complain once this fix
> them more complete control of what is found via manipulation of the
> Now that we are in agreement there is an issue with NAMES order
> the FIND_XXX result rather than whichever NAMES alternative is highest
> the SUPER_PATH, I have written up this issue as bug
> http://public.kitware.com/Bug/view.php?id=10718.  I have also done
> additional experiments with variations on the CMakeLists.txt file
there to
> show that FIND_FILE, FIND_LIBRARY, and FIND_PATH all have the same
issue as
> FIND_PROGRAM.  My knowledge of the CMake code base and my C++ skills
are too
> limited to discover where in the CMake codebase the inner and outer
> for NAMES and SUPER_PATH components should be swapped for those
> but thanks for determining that location for the FIND_PROGRAM
> command.
> Alan
> __________________________
> Alan W. Irwin
> Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and
> University of Victoria (astrowww.phys.uvic.ca).
> Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state
> for stellar interiors (freeeos.sf.net); PLplot scientific plotting
> package (plplot.org); the libLASi project (unifont.org/lasi); the
Loads of
> Linux Links project (loll.sf.net); and the Linux Brochure Project
> (lbproject.sf.net).
> __________________________
> Linux-powered Science
> __________________________
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