On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 1:00 AM, Biddiscombe, John A. <biddi...@cscs.ch>wrote:

> I'm sure someone has a better answer ... but ...
> > I have complete control over the test
> > program and can make it output whatever I want.
> Have a look at the XML produced by ctest itself and generate it yourself?
> then submit it and you should see each test separately
> (Just thinking out loud)

Yeah, worst case I'll head down that path. It's a hairy path though. For
instance, I'd still definitely want to run "normal" ctest tests as well,
which means the XML would need to be merged in some fashion. Also, it seems
like doing it that way opens you up to possible problems later if ctest or
cdash change the XML format at all.

All in all it'd be much nicer if there was some kind of hook in ctest which
could be used to inform it that a number of tests had been run, and let it
populate and submit the XML report based on that information. But, if
there's any way to do that, it's highly undocumented...

aka Chris Hillery
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