> From: Michael Wild [mailto:them...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Tue 6/8/2010 9:05 AM
> To: Torri, Stephen CIV NSWCDD, W15
> Cc: cmake@cmake.org
> Subject: Re: [CMake] Different configurations for Debug and Release
> > In my project the external libraries I use have the debug library files are 
> > in a different directory from the release versions. > > I don't think I can 
> > use target_link_libraries to include a path as well as the name. In 
> > documentation I would use > > link_directories but there is no way in the 
> > syntax to distinguish a debug directory from a release directory. I am 
> > trying > > to generate a Visual Studio project that can build a debug 
> > release if I select "Debug" in the configuration manager drop > > down menu 
> > or "Release". Is there a way for me to tell CMake that a certain set of 
> > directories the linker should use to > > search for files for the debug 
> > build versus another?
> >
> > Stephen
> >
> Either use
> target_link_libraries(<target> debug <debug_lib> optimized <opt_lib> general 
> <gen_lib>)
> or, for more control, create an imported library (add_library(<lib_target> 
> IMPORTED)) and set the > IMPORTED_LOCATION_<config> target properties to 
> specify the location on the disk for each of the configurations > you want to 
> handle.

I did not think that I could use a full path to a library in the 
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES. Is that right? I don't think what you suggest will work:
     TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES ( <target> <child libs> ${Boost_LIBRARIES}
            ${MYSQLCPPCONNECTOR_LIB_DIR}/debug/mysqlcppconn-static.lib )
So I was looking at add_library. I am not sure I get the 
IMPORTED_LOCATION_<config>. First off what can I use for <config>? I tried 
IMPORTED_LOCATION_DEBUG but that gave me an error from cmake-gui saying its was 
an unknown cmake command. The documentation does not clearly define what 
<config> is other than stating its a configuration. Can you provide a simple 
example of what you are suggesting?
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