Hi all,

It seems install(SCRIPT) is called before install(TARGETS) ; is there a way to 
change this?

Actually I try to insert a script just before packaging (ie. at the end of 
"INSTALL" target). I'd like to have:
- Prepare all files (install(FILES), and install(TARGETS))
- Run my script (install(SCRIPT)), so that it operates on a file created by 
- Package
What I got is a script running on a non existing file (install(TARGETS) did not 
run before install(SCRIPT)).
(Note: my "install(SCRIPT)" command is after the "install(TARGETS)" command in 
my CMake files, but the order doesn't seem to be kept... or is it?)

Or is there a better way to get what I want?

Side question: Is it possible to have multiple "PACKAGE" targets (for instance 

Many thanks.

[Using CMake 2.8.0, Win7 64 bits, MSVC 9 SP1 (project is 32 bits)]

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