
On Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 05:09:41PM -0400, cmake-requ...@cmake.org wrote:
> Your remarks focus on old-fashioned macros so it is possible you are not
> aware of functions? As far as I know, most or all macros can be replaced by
> functions which do have the nice property of not polluting the global
> namespace.  So newly developed build systems should use functions wherever
> possible, and certainly for old CMake-based build systems I am associated
> with I am trying to move to functions as time permits.

That's all fine and dandy (and you've written some nice prose about
it :), but I've just been reading man cmakecommands of Debian cmake
2.8.1-5(!) from top to bottom and bottom to top, and nowhere does it
mention _any_ underlying difference between macros and functions.

Not even I knew about this difference, despite having almost a month-full
of rather very internal CMake experience (Google searches in the couple
hundreds, vcproj2cmake adaptation of a _large_ project etc.).

Suggestion for the sake of world peace: I'll submit a patch for that man
page, ok? :)

Andreas Mohr
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