Thanks.  I don't know if you've actually tried the project I put up to
illustrate the project, but while what you say makes sense, it doesn't
appear to fix the problem.

It's frustrating for me; apparently, though I'm following exactly the
pattern that's reputed to work, CMake isn't generating the Makefile
code to deal with the second .ui file.

Either there's something wrong in CMake, or I'm somehow missing
something in what should be a really simple CMakeLists.txt.

On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 2:52 PM, Michael Wild <> wrote:
> Hi
> I hope the inline comments below solve your problems. And please, don't 
> cross-post...
> On 20. Jul, 2010, at 19:06 , kent williams wrote:
>> This is with cmake version 2.8.1 on OS X 10.6.
>> I had a project using CMake and Qt.  As long as I only used one QT
>> Designer-generated .ui file, everything worked perfectly. When I added
>> as second UI file, things no longer worked. I was working from the
>> CMake + Qt4 examples on the web.
>> There are two problems:
>> 1. If you give a list of more than one header file as the dependency
>> on set_source_files_properties, it throws a configure-time error:
>> CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:33 (set_source_files_properties):
>>  set_source_files_properties called with incorrect number of arguments.
>> 2. If I work around that error (by setting each header dependency
>> individually), then only one of the UI files seems to get processed to
>> create the corresponding C++ header file:
>> /scratch/kent/qtcmake/src/QTCMake.cxx:4:35: error:
>> ui_qvtkpropertydialog.h: No such file or directory
>> I've put a succinct example illustrating the problem I'm having here:
>> The CMakeLists.txt file is as follows:
>> project(QTCMake)
>> cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
>> #uses QT4 and associated CMake Macros
>> find_package( Qt4 REQUIRED )
>> include(${QT_USE_FILE})
>> set(QT_USE_QTXML 1)
>> #dummy test program
>> set(QTCMake_SRC QTCMake.cxx)
>> # list of QT Designer-generated XML designs
>> set(QTCMake_UIS
>> qvtkpropertydialog.ui qimagetransformdialog.ui
>> )
>> #
>> # this is supposed to wrap all the UI files
>> QT4_WRAP_UI(UIHeaders ${QTCMake_UIS} )
>> include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR})
>> add_executable(QTCMake ${QTCMake_SRC})
>> if(GUMBY)
>> #
>> # unless I misunderstood, this should make the objects
>> # depend on the headers generated by UIC.
>> # This doesn't work as it should; I don't know why
>> set_source_files_properties(${QTCMake_SRC}
> Just wrap ${UIHeaders} in quotes:
> set_source_files_properties(${QTCMake_SRC} PROPERTIES
>  OBJECT_DEPENDS "${UIHeaders}")
>> else()
>> #
>> # this loops through the list of ui_*.h, and adds the dependency
>> # for each.
>> foreach(hdr ${UIHeaders})
>> set_source_files_properties(${QTCMake_SRC}
>> endforeach()
> This loop isn't going to append to the list of dependencies, it overwrites 
> the previous value instead. If you want appending, you have to use the 
> following instead:
> foreach(hdr IN LISTS UIHeaders)
>    OBJECT_DEPENDS ${hdr})
> endforeach()
>> endif()
> Michael
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