2010/7/21 sheissj <shei...@gmail.com>:
> Hello.
> I want to generate a simple Makefile from cmake.
> This Makefile looks like this:
> all:
>     @echo "No build"
> tags:
>     ctags -R *.cpp
>     cscope -b -q -k *.cpp
> This simple Makefile do not have target to build source code. It is only for
> building ctags index and cscope db.
> So it is not a matter whether c/c++ compiler exists or not.
> How can I write CMakeList.txt for this simple work?
> One problem is... when "cmake ." command is run, some errors are occured
> like "The C compiler identification is unknown" and "The C++ compiler
> identification is unknown" and blar blar because I use cygwin and gcc/g++ is
> not installed.
> How to skip checking compiler detection?

at the top of your CMakeLists.txt you should have something like:


This will prevent CMake from enabling the default C and CXX languages.

then your "tags" target may be done with

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