On 07/21/2010 10:32 AM, Verweij, Arjen wrote:
> Is it normal for generators to be this picky?

The generators are testing and inspecting the toolchain.
Something is not building as expected so it reports the
problem up front rather than waiting for some subtle
error when building the main project.

> “NMake Makefiles JOM”
> -- FIXME: altered Windows.cmake for debugging purposes.

What is this?  What was altered?

> -- Check for working Fortran compiler: E:/Program 
> Files/Intel/Fortran/compiler80/IA32/BIN/ifort.exe
> -- Check for working Fortran compiler: E:/Program 
> Files/Intel/Fortran/compiler80/IA32/BIN/ifort.exe  -- works

This means the basic capability to compile an executable
seems to work, at least the build tool does not return

Do you actually have JOM installed in the environment?

> -- Detecting Fortran compiler ABI info
> CMake Error: Could not COPY_FILE.
>   OutputFile: ''
>     copyFile: 'E:/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeDetermineCompilerABI_Fortran.bin'

This step is when CMake detects some information about the
binary format that the compiler produces.  It is trying to
compile the source file Modules/CMakeFortranCompilerABI.F
from the CMake modules directory.  This is the first time
that the generator actually needs to load the binary file
that the compiler produces.  The OutputFile is reported as
empty meaning CMake was unable to locate the executable
after the compilation finished.

Please post CMakeError.log and CMakeOutput.log from the
CMakeFiles directory in the build tree.

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