On Jul 22, 2010, at 5:53 PM, Olaf van der Spek wrote:

On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 11:50 PM, Michael Jackson
<mike.jack...@bluequartz.net> wrote:
Of course I have separate projects. I didn't write libz... Did you?
DLLs should be *shared*. There shouldn't be a need for me to copy them
to my app dir.

Actually I _did_ put a CMake wrapper on LibZ that _does_ in fact decorate the library names. I did the same thing for expat, libTiff and HDF5 because I ran into all of these same issues a few years back. I then wrote custom

Wouldn't it have been way easier if that had been done already?

Yes, it was done already (For some of them) which is what I started with. But what you find is that the CMake files that someone wrote are kinda "tweaked" for their project and don't really work for yours so you end up forking the project, pushing it into your own source repo and fixing the problems. Exacerbating this issue is that some upstream developers want NOTHING to do with CMake and so will NOT add the CMake files to their projects. So you are stuck keeping your own pathced versions. Is this what is optimal nope but this is what we get. I thought there was some sort of project setup which aimed to keep a separate patch for some of the major opensource projects where the original source would be downloaded then patched with the cmake files thus creating a "CMakeified" version of the library. Can not remember what the name of the project was. I think it was hosted at google code.

The straight up answer is: CMake does not do this. If you want it put it
into your cmake files.

I don't want to keep reinventing the wheel. Do you?

No but I can not wait for someone else to do it either. At least my code is available if someone wants to use it or improve it.

Mike J.
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